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Daisy App enhancements

DAISY AI Time:2021-09-25 Browse:

 Daisy App enhancements
Daisy App was upgraded with new features. New tutorials were created to allow easier sign up process. It will be possible to pay the monthly fee in crypto soon. 
 ⁃ CoinZoom partnership 
Daisy members will get exclusive benefits when using CoinZoom. 
CoinZoom is a global crypto exchange with DeFi products and crypto VISA cards. It’s available in 192 countries. 
E.g. Daisy members will enjoy higher APY (+2%) in stable coin staking. 
Some of the exchange commissions will go into a Daisy leadership pool and will be shared with Pacesetters on a monthly basis. 
All Daisy members get access to the Gold card upfront. To get the Black card (10,000$ daily limit) you need to stake 100,000 Zoom tokens that moved from 0,05$ to 0,06$ only today! Black card also gives you 5% cashback in Zoom tokens. 
Daisy members will use this URL to enjoy all these benefits:

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