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DAISY Forex Momentum Packs promotion is coming to an end

DAISY AI Time:2023-05-31 Browse:

The DAISY Forex Momentum Packs and Forex Builders and Achievers shares will end at 1pm UTC on June 1st (same time as our global call). Additionally, all contributions prior to this cutoff time will apply towards May's Builders and Achievers Pools.

Promotions: active now through May 31st! Momentum Packs means that when you buy the same Tier again, 90% of fund will enter AI trading instead of 70%, Momentum packs now start at Tier 3, Unlimited Momentum Packs ARE BACK for tiers 5-10. Only for Forex AI repeated purchase Tier 3 or higher Tier repeated purchase is valid, please confirm whether the amount of trading funds is consistent when making repeated purchases. Single momentum packs begin at TIER 3. Unlimited begins at Tier 5.
1pm UTC, June 1st,

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